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Education Foundation Donations

The Education Foundation of Pendleton wishes to thank all individuals who have made donations in the past. The EFP could not serve the Pendleton students without such support. The EFP invests donated monies. Earnings from that endowment are used to fund grants to qualifying applicants.

You can make donations by writing a check payable to “Education Foundation of Pendleton” and mail to:

Education Foundation of Pendleton
PO Box 812
Pendleton, OR 97801

Check to see if your employer will match your donation to the EFP.

Make a donation in memory of a loved one or designate the EFP for memorials to honor a loved one.

No Amount Too Small

Have you been reluctant to donate to the Education Foundation of Pendleton because you felt you could only contribute a small amount? Do you realize that if each household that receives our newsletter gave just $10 twice a year, over $19,000 would be added to our endowment each year? Think of the impact that could have in enriching the lives of Pendleton students. Together we can make a difference!

Oregon Cultural Trust Tax Credits

Contributions/gifts to the Education Foundation of Pendleton are tax deductible. Also, because the Education Foundation is a qualified Oregon Cultural Organization, you would be eligible to receive a tax credit on any subsequent matching gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust – a dollar for dollar reduction of your Oregon state income tax liability.

To utilize this tax credit, contact the Oregon Cultural Trust at 503-986-0088 or go to: www.culturaltrust.org.

Plan Now to Make a Difference Tomorrow!

We work hard to achieve our goals in life, and many of us support our community through generous gifts to the Education Foundation of Pendleton (EFP) and other institutions during our lives. These gifts, of all sizes, are crucial in supporting our students in these ever more difficult financial times. Thank you for your support! Although sometimes overlooked, supporting your charitable interests through a deferred gift or through an estate plan can provide significant benefits, as well as help create a lasting legacy.

The EFP, in partnership with the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), offers a wide variety of deferred gift plans, including charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts. These gift plans provide an income stream to the donors or others they name for their lifetime, or a fixed term, or a combination of both. After the term of the trust ends, the residual amount in the trust is distributed to the EFP.

A gift to the EFP by bequest from your will or living trust can be made in a wide variety of ways. For example, you may provide a stated dollar amount, a specific asset, the residue of your estate after all other beneficiaries are considered, or name the EFP as a contingent beneficiary. Charitable bequests can reduce the value of your estate, often providing tax savings, while beneficiary designations from retirement plans, for example, pass tax-free to the EFP.

Gift planning can be complex, and often includes a review of the tax treatment on various types of assets, so the EFP does recommend that donors plan their gifts in consultation with their financial and legal advisors. As our partner in philanthropy, OCF is available to provide independent charitable gift advice to help you meet your charitable goals. Please let the EFP know if you would like to receive more information regarding deferred and estate giving by contacting EFP. We hope you will consider including the Education Foundation of Pendleton in your estate plan!